You’ve taken the test and it’s positive! Congratulations! But now, you’re starting to feel not so great. Here’s everything to expect in the first trimester.
Read more about what First Trimester Essentials you need to stay comfortable.
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The term “morning sickness” is quite deceiving because nausea may last all through out the day. You may experience nausea without vomiting or nausea with vomiting. Either way, you will feel terrible. Your unsettled stomach is likely due to the changing hormones levels in your body. A good way to curve nausea is to try to snack throughout the day, keeping your stomach semi-full. Snacking every 1-2 hours on things like crackers or rice or ginger chews (generally bland foods) can help keep the nausea at bay.
Tender Breasts
You may wake up one day with extremely tender breasts. I’m talking hurts-to-roll over-in-bed tender. This discomfort can last upwards to a week while your body adjusts to the changing hormone levels.
Food Aversions
This is a hard one. You may experience food aversions. Your sense of smell and taste can intensify when you are pregnancy and it can be jarring. There may be times when you can’t stand to even smell or think about eating certain foods that you once loved.
My food aversions were certain kinds of meat like turkey. I remember crying over the taste of pizza because it suddenly tasted like cardboard. Bland food like pasta and rice became my best friends during this phase of pregnancy.

There is nothing like pregnancy fatigue, especially in the first trimester. I honestly think I was more tired while I was pregnant than I was anytime during those long newborn nights. Your body is changing so rapidly and it’s exhausting. If you can, try to take this time to rest as much as possible.
Increased Urination
You may start to notice that you need to pee every few minutes and it’s not because you’re actually drinking enough water… The increased urination is due to the increase in blood volume that is being processed. I wish I could say this will subside, but by the third trimester you will be on a peeing schedule, getting out of bed every two hours.
Keep in Mind
The first trimester can be rough, but hang in there! Once you reach the second trimester you should start to feel much better and a little bit more like your usual self.