Baby - Motherhood

Noisy Newborn Sleep

Newborns are surprisingly noisy. Apart from the obvious crying, newborns make a lot of curious, and unexpected noises, especially while they are sleeping. This can be jarring for new parents who might be wondering if these noises are normal. Grunting, sighing, whimpers, hiccups…

Have no fear, these noises are totally normal and will eventually stop as your baby grows. But, in the meantime it can mean your sleep, although already very limited might be interrupted by these noises.

Why are newborns so noisy when they sleep1?

There are a number of reasons why your baby make be making noise, mainly, they are continuing their development. Your baby’s brain and lungs are figuring out how to work together and your baby may have some irregular breathing patterns. These patterns happen within a matter of seconds and are nothing to be concerned about. Baby’s digestive system is also working around the clock so don’t be surprised if you hear gurgling, burping, or gas coming from them.

Active Sleep

A big reason why babies make so much noise while they sleep is because they are in active sleep. Babies cycle between active sleep and quiet sleep with active sleep being the time when they are noisy. During active sleep babies might seem like they are awake, sometimes opening their eyes, wiggling or trying to break free of their swaddle, and squeal, grunt or even cry out2. These bouts of fitfulness are normal and babies, if left undisturbed, will go back to quiet, still sleep.

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When should I be concerned?

You should seek medical attention if your baby is experiencing any of these symptoms3:

  • Labored breathing (contracting at the rib cage)
  • Rapid breathing lasting longer than a few seconds, or is persistent
  • Grunting after every breath

  1. Healthline – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry If Your Baby Makes Noises While Sleeping http://Healthline – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry If Your Baby Makes Noises While Sleeping ↩︎
  2. Taking Cara Babies – Active Sleep and Newborns : ↩︎
  3. Healthline – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry If Your Baby Makes Noises While Sleeping ↩︎

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